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Health & Wellness

Yoga for Diabetes

According to the WHO survey, there are over 422 million diabetics worldwide. With increasing unhealthy lifestyle choices, predictions have been made that by 2030, diabetes will occupy the seventh spot as the cause of death. However, a few amendments to your lifestyle can help you manage or even control your diabetes.

Yoga not only improves insulin production but also helps in decreasing the chances of low blood sugar levels. Moreover, it also reduces the production of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. The benefits of yoga are not just limited to physical health. It can even help people with diabetes by calming the mind and integrating it with the body.

Type 2 diabetes is a common lifestyle disorder caused by insulin resistance with relative or absolute insulin deficiency, resulting in chronic hyperglycaemia and various cardiovascular complications. Sedentary habits and unhealthy dietary patterns, Psychological stress and Lack of physical activity are the major risk factors for the development of various lifestyle disorders, including diabetes.



Although yoga has been practised since ancient times, yoga as therapy is a relatively new and emerging trend in the healthcare field. Extensive research has explored changes in biochemical, electrophysiological, cellular, genetic, neuromuscular, and radiological parameters related to yoga practice. This has facilitated the practical application of yoga in various diseases, and it is now being recognized worldwide as a clinically viable treatment.

Dietary management of diabetes with yoga

Yoga is also known to regulate eating patterns, and its potential utility in the management of eating disorders has been advocated. It is believed that the mind-body connection that stems from yoga practice provides opportunities for self-awareness, reflection, and change. Yoga, pranayama, and sudarshan kriya were found to be beneficial in improving dietary practices and medication adherence.

Many yoga practices have been found to be beneficial in the management of type 2 diabetes; however, their judicious use is recommended after a careful assessment of a patient’s overall health, individual requirements, associated risk factors, and contraindications. By considering the person as a whole, including physical inactivity and poor health behaviours, yoga practices of high or low intensity may be prescribed.

Activities for Diabetes :-

  1. Cleansing practices :- Agnisar, Kapalbhati, Vaman Dauti
  2. Pranayam :- Anulom vilom, Sheetali/Sheetakari, Bhramari, Bhastrika, Suryabhedan, Ujjayi
  3. Yoga poses :- Suryanamaskar, DhanurasanaArdhamatsayendrasanaHalasana,  VajrasanaBhujangasana , Naukasana, Setubandhasana, pavanamuktasana
  4. Aum/Om chanting:- Scientific analyses have shown that chanting “Aum” is based on the physics of sound, vibrations, & resonance, & has a positive influence on health. Chanting the “Aum” mantra results in stabilization of the brain, removal of negative thoughts, & increase of energy, & mental improvements & relaxation of the body take place within minutes of practice.
  5. Yoga nidra:-  (conscious, dynamic, psychic sleep) is a comprehensive, profound relaxation technique for removing physical, mental, and emotional tensions.
  6. Dhyan:- Mindfulness practice is advocated for better sleep, greater relaxation, and more accepting approaches to illness and the illness experience in people with diabetes and coronary heart disease

Yoga should be learnt under the guidance of a qualified yoga professional.

Reena Makhey

The writer is the Director of Soham Yog Sadhana and has an M.Sc (Yoga) and an MD (Panchgavya, Naturopath). She is also certified in Pre and Post Natal (Pregnancy) and has 15+ years of experience in the field of Yoga.