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Omar Pathare
Security Consulting is a relatively new concept in the Indian milieu. While risk assessment and predictive analysis are used in the corporate world to some extent, we’re still nascent in employing the skills and expertise of Security Consultants to protect our homes, offices, and business spaces from risks and potential crimes.

Fortify Security Consulting aims to change this picture, because we firmly believe that in
today’s times where risks have become magnified, nature of crime has become digital,
and vulnerabilities have increased in huge proportions, it is important to protect our
families, assets, and businesses with expert advice.

What do we do as Security Consultants?
Fortify Security Consulting emphasises that:
ONE TYPE DOES NOT FIT ALL: While all kinds of security equipment like locks, safes, CCTV cameras, alarms, sensors, etc. are easily available in the market, simply putting them up without due cognizance to their specifications and correct placement, will only end up wasting your money. Everyone’s risk is different. A couple with children staying along with a nanny has different risks, as compared to a senior citizen living alone, or, as compared to someone owning a jewellery shop. Hence, the types of security equipment they need, and how it should be placed in their home/office, also differs.
SECURITY DEPENDS ON PEOPLE, NOT JUST THE STRUCTURE: Simply putting up lots of security equipment is not enough. The correct and optimal usage (of that equipment) for it to give value-for-money and the best return on investment, can only happen when the residents/employees’ behavioural attitude towards security becomes proper.
Fortify Security Consulting gives a detailed yet simple questionnaire to find out a person’s risks. According to that, we give a report wherein we suggest the perfect security equipment, with due specifications, and correct placement. We also suggest ways for the residents/employees to become more alert about small but important security tips.

For the larger good
In interest of making the society more aware of security, we conduct Online Workshops on various topics ranging from credit/debit card frauds, bullying of children, online shopping frauds, etc. The workshops aim to make people realise that when it comes to crimes, prevention is always better than cure. Also, in interest of the larger good, we have ensured that all our services and workshops are priced moderately, because security of all is what makes the whole society secure!

Do get in touch with us on 9930136932 / 9833190174 for more information about our endeavours – Lt. Colonel Omar Pathare (R.), Security Consultant and Founder,
Fortify Security Consulting