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Virat Vilas Pawar creates a new Indian superhero universe with his Sci-Fi Novels

Author Virat Vilas Pawar, a lawyer by profession and a Thanker has decided to create his own superhero universe based out of India, just like Marvel and Dc. With his latest Novel ‘Vidyadhara & The Universe of Magic’, Virat is bringing the Magic, Mages and Magical creatures from Indian mythology to the table. In his previous novel, ‘Heroes of Wars’ (2019), Virat wrote a Sci-fi Alternate version of the greatest epic of all times – Mahabharat. Now with his latest novel, he is on his way to establish a sci-fi universe which is happening in India, as we live.

On being asked about the path of creating a superhero Universe in India, he said, “I am planning to create several arches, the first novel had sci-fi and time travel, this one has magic and mythical creatures from Ancient Indian history and the next one might have something to do with aliens or maybe divinity. The plan is to create arches which will come together in a few years.”

The novel is not just gripping with a lot of Indianness to it but it also has several character illustrations that he has created with his art team – Doodlenever.

When quizzed about the novel having so many illustrations, he averred, “Mostly novels are just texts. I want my readers to imagine what I am thinking. I want them to see what I see and hence this extra effort of illustrating characters for my readers.”

Virat with his newly formed VirArt Studios is creating a space for Indian Sci-Fi creators and thereby promoting the art.