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Thane’s Balaji Suryawanshi walks 1,00,000 steps in 20 hours

A resident of Thane recently set a record for walking the maximum number of steps indoors in a day. BalajiSurywanshi had earlier lost nearly 15 kilos in under two months earlier this year.The 28-year-old regulatory affairs professional now holds the record for the maximum steps walked indoors in aday after he walked 1,00,128 steps.

The India Book of Records gave him a certificate, which states that he covered 67.8 kilometresover 19 hours and 55 minutes. Surywanshi recorded the entire exercise over an app called StepsApp and usedGoogle Fit to tally the numbers.Completing the exercise was no easy feat as at the end of it his feet were completely swollen. He began by taking one-minute breaks to cool down after every hour, just to catch his breath. After a few hours, he would take five-minute breaks to rub pain-relief ointment into his legs andthen resume walking.

Surywanshi had lost 15 kilos in 60 days, by walking 10,000 steps at home every daybefore the lockdown. Having become fit after losing all the weight gave him the inspiration to work towards thegoal of setting the record. He began taking an interest in getting fit after he realized he was getting tired after standingfor half an hour in a local train and feeling breathless after walking for a short distance. That was when hedecided that he would work on his fitness.

He started by changing his diet and eating two-three boiled eggs a day, some days switching it with poha or idlisfor breakfast. For lunch, he had chapatis and vegetables and a salad, while for dinner, he had two rotis, a vegetableand curd. He also gave up junk food.

Surywanshi started working out by walking 2 kilometers in the first few days and then ramped up the distance to5 kilometers daily. Hitting the target of 10,000 steps soon became an easy goal and he went for walks at varyingtimes of the day.He tried several other tricks and plans but kept getting depressed after they didn’t work.

Surywanshi says that people looking to lose weight must not give up if they do not see results in a few days.