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Sulonians top again!

Early this month, the results of 10th standard ICSE and 12th standard ISC were announced and students of Thane’s Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School were among the top three rank holders at the All-India level. Among the 2700 odd ICSE schools in India, the students of Singhania School topped the charts. It is indeed a proud moment for the school to have stamped its authority at the national level. On behalf of all Thanekars, we at Thane Vaibhav and Know Your Town (KYT) wish many congratulations to these students and their school.

Over the years, Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School has produced excellent results. This year, it was at the helm of creating history with its outstanding performance. To know more about the consistent success of the Sulonians at the board exams, KYT interviewed Mrs. Revathi Srinivasan, Principal of Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School.
Mrs. Srinivasan says, “880 students from our school appeared for the board exams, and all fared well to their potential. Among these, 533 students of standard 10 averaged 93%. I want to attribute the school’s success to the teachers’ and students’ teamwork and hard work. The teachers aspired and inspired the students to work hard. The cherry on the cake was that the results were announced on Mother’s Day. I think this was the best gift the students could give their mothers.”

She adds, “To produce such results consistently, schools need to have a culture of learning. At Singhania, we practise a concept called Progressive Lessons. It is basically a remedial class where the students can improve themselves on the subjects that need attention. One-to-one attention is also paid to each and every student. We share feedback with the students and their parents.”

At Singhania, the teachers go the extra mile to make learning easy and fun. Mrs. Srinivasan avers, “We do not restrict ourselves to preparing students for the exams. Instead, we ensure that students fall in love with the concepts they are exposed to. We encourage students to think out of the box, which helps develop their analytical brains. For instance, we ask them what they think could be the new slogan for the UN or the effect of war on society, or if they are being taught a poem, we ask them to draw whatever comes to their minds while reading the poem. Our literature papers promote critical reviews , pen pictures and creative thinking. Our assessment methods are different too. We encourage students to undertake collaborative learning.”

While the New Education Policy (NEP) discussions have been doing rounds for quite some time, Mrs. Srinivasan emphasised that Singhania has been practising it for the last 10 years. Undoubtedly, the school has been doing extraordinarily well in developing the all-round abilities of its students.

Despite the outstanding results, Singhania does not put additional pressure on its students. Mrs. Srinivasan states, “Our 10th and 12th standard academic years are regular like any other grade so that the students do not get pressured. Also, I advise the students not to make a mountain out of the molehill and add undue pressure on themselves. My simple suggestion to them is always give your 100% wherever you are. The students are sometimes distracted due to the exposure to the outside world. However, I believe that we need to have some solid motivation to get them back.”

Mrs. Srinivasan concludes, “My heartfelt wishes to all the students who passed their exams with flying colours. All the best for your future. Always remember to celebrate your journey and not just the results.”

I joined Singhania in the 11th standard, and it has been the most wonderful experience. My friends, teachers, and parents have greatly supported me. Our teachers have been very helpful in preparing us for the exams. I would just like to tell my juniors that don’t be afraid of anything. The most important thing is to keep putting in the effort; the results will come automatically.

– Ipshita Bhattacharya,
AIR 1, 12th standard ISC

I am feeling on top of the world. I kept it quite simple from the beginning. I studied for two hours every day, covering four subjects for 30 minutes each. I focused on clearing the concepts, and Singhania Quest Plus helped me immensely. The school, Principal madam, my parents, and my sister always had my back. For the future 10th standard ICSE exam takers, I would like to say to be calm during the exam and your preparations.

– Yash Bhasein, AIR 1, 10th standard ICSE

Read E-Magazine : Singhaniya School-May 2023