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Sneak peek at Computer Vision Syndrome

A human eye is covered with a thin layer of tear film at all times when open. This tear film protects the delicate cornea from external offenses and also makes an extremely smooth surface of the refracting lens of the eye (i.e cornea). Constant blinking of the eyelids replenishes the tear film.Decrease in the tear secretion, increase in its rate of breaking down, decreased blinking and irregularity of the surface/s in contact with the tear film will all contribute to the instability of tear film and therefore dry eyes. This will lead to stinging in eyes, eyestrain and increase in the frequency of infection of the eyelids.

Continuously staring at the screen along with decreased blinking (due to concentrating while working) makes the tear film unstable. Increased glare from the light reflected from the screen, abnormal body posture, inappropriate placement of the computer monitor contribute to the destabilization of the tear film. This leads to eyestrain and burning. This is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

Some of the techniques to prevent or cure CVS are frequent blinking for increasing the stability of tear film, taking your eyes off PC after every 10 minutes, eye-wash after every hour or so, medium cool temperature in the room, computer screen should be 20-28 inches away from the eyes, the monitor should be placed straight ahead in front of the person, use LCD/LED screens than CTR, and maintain correct body posture.