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1968 to 1986 to 2020 & beyond – the foundation of INDIA as a 21st Century Global Superpower

We were 53cr Indians celebrating the introduction of Green Revolution & White Revolution in late 1960s when the first of its kind National Policy on Education (NPE), 1968 was promulgated. We swelled to a nation of 79cr Indians as we witnessed the dawn of Telecom Revolution in late 1980s when National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 was designed which was later modified in 1992 that finally took shape as Right To Education (RTE) Act in 2009. With more than 141cr Indians currently, as we enter the forthcoming ‘Amrit Kaal of India @ 100’, the much-needed National Education Policy (NEP), 2020 is all set to bring about an ‘Education Revolution’ for Indiansin true sense. With immaculate foundation of NPE 1968 & NPE 1986 backed by persistent efforts from successive Central & State Governments, NEP 2020 will be one of the most historic milestones in making India the ‘Global Guru’ of the 21st Century.

NEP 2020 shall now lead to 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 structure of School Education from the prevailing 10+2structure. A tabular (comparative) representation shall perhaps make the structure clearer:

The summary of the above structural reforms shall be as follows: Structural reforms regarding physical infrastructure:
NEP 2020, Clause 4.3 states that, “The above-described stages are purely curricular&pedagogical… …parallel changes to physical infrastructure will not be required.”
This simply means that in States like Maharashtra, Karnataka, AP, Telangana, Odisha, Assam, etc where there is a very strong existence of Junior Colleges / Pre-University Colleges (for Class XI & XII) – is here to stay for good. Thus, associated emphasis / relevance of Class X exams shall also continue. The physical structure of Schools up to Class X, standalone junior-college structures shall continue to prevail.

National Curriculum Framework (NCF):
Clause 4.30 states the formation of NCF, thereby aligning a common framework for curriculum across India, bringing immense parity in curriculum across all (major)30+ Boards of our country from Kutch to Kohima. The Govt of India has released the pre-draft of NCF on 7th April, 2023 for seeking public opinion. The 600+ pages exhaustive document can be accessed for ready reference.I humbly urge you to kindly email apt opinions to ncf.ncert@ciet.nic.into further strengthen Government’s resolve in making this NCF aligned with 21st century needs of India being a Global Super Power.

National Assessment Centre:
Clause 4.37 states that, “While the Board exams for Grades 10 and 12 will be continued, the existing system of Board and entrance examinations shall be reformed”.
Thus, Board Exams for Class X & Class XII shall continue to prevail. Apart from this, State Census Exams in Class III, V, VIII shall be the new normal. Rajasthan is already conducting Public Exams in these classes (III, V, VIII) apart from Class X & XII. Rajasthan, Punjab, MP, Karnataka,Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Assam are some of the early-movers. Thus, in few years (by 2025), all schools across India (including Maharashtra) will have to gradually gear up for Public exams in Class III, V, VIII apart from Board exams in Class X (SSC) and Class XII (HSC).Apart from this, the NCF pre-draft also recommendsno written exams till Class II,Class X Board exams to be conducted twice a year, 4semesters across Class XI & Class XII which will cumulatively determine the outcome of Class XII and such other proposed reforms.

CUET by National Testing Agency (NTA):
Clause 4.42 of NEP mentions the significance & principles of University Entrance Exams. CUET (Common University Entrance Test) shall be a common gateway to higher education post Class XII across the country.JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) for Engineering-related courses &NEET (NationalEligibility cum Entrance Test) for Medical-related courses and ‘CUET for all other’ non-Engineering & non-Medical courses shall be the new normal in near future / by 2025. Board exams shall continue tohold substantial significance along-with JEE / NEET / CUET. Eg. A minimum 75% Agg. criteria in Class XII recently set for JEE aspirants of 2023 is one such example.

Most parents & studentshave frequently asked Me one questionregarding NEP in recent times – WHEN!I recently had a privilege of being Moderator for the National Conclave on NEP organised by Govt of Maharashtraattended by 1000+ School Principals. Some of the topmost opinion-makers of Indian Education ecosystem along with senior-most Bureaucratsrepresenting the Govt of Maharashtra expressed their views publicly in esteemed presence of Hon Minister for School Education, Govt of Maharashtra. Considering the fact that there are overall297 tasks that needs to be implemented in a phased-out manner to successfully implement NEP completely, it is bound to take 12 to 18 months atleast to execute above reforms on-ground. Given the fact that NCF pre-draft is also just launched on 7th April, 2023 for seeking public opinion, reforms envisaged in NCF shall at best be implemented from next academic year, i.e.AY 2024-25 onwards.

While we have experienced phenomenal transformation in the world outside four walls of the classrooms from 1968 to 1986 to 2020; the chalk-and-talk blackboard-oriented pedagogy has largely remained the same. NEP 2020 is all set to tremendously fasten the transformation of School Education in our country. Even, from 2020 to 2023 the overallpedagogy of our schools has drastically shifted(already) in these post-pandemic times – this is just the beginning. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can surely build our youth for the future.Being parents, let us equip our youth to thrive in a changing world.We are moving to an era where an individual will not be stuck to a single profession all his life. Thus, s/he will continuously need to re-skill and up-skill. The NEP & NCF are a foundation to equip Indian youth as we usher the forthcoming era of India being a developed nation & a world-super-power.Education is a passport to our future, for tomorrow belongs to those who begin today; Education is not preparing for life, Education is life itself!

– Yours Educationally,
Dr Shrenik BK
Co-founder, Education Ssabhi Ko

This article is in continuation to my recent previous articles titled

1) COACHING – a CLASS apart
2) SCHOOL(s) of 2030 share your opinion& suggestions (if any)at