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Most and least corrupt countries in the world as per Corruption Perceptions Index

The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption where money flow is more into electoral campaigns. Each country is given a score from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

According to the CPI, Somalia (score: 9) ranked as the most corrupt country with instability and restricted press freedom as factors hindering transparency.

Pakistan (score: 32) ranked 120 slipping three spots from 2018. China (score: 41) ranks 80 out of 180 countries and territories. India also scores 41 and ranks 80 whereas it ranked 78 in 2018.

The United States scores 69, its worst score in eight years, and ranks 23. Western Europe and the EU is the highest-scoring region with an average of 66 while Sub-Saharan Africa is the lowest-scoring region with 32 points.

Denmark (score: 87), New Zealand (score: 87), and Finland (score: 86) are perceived as the least corrupt nations in the world.

As per the Transparency International, only 22 countries saw a significant improvement in their scores over the past eight years including Greece (score: 48), Guyana (score: 40) and Estonia (score: 74). However, 21 countries recorded a significant decrease with Canada (score: 77), Nicaragua (score: 22) and Australia (score: 77) among their ranks.