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Modas Touch

Aarti Matkar and Purvi Mehta introduced their jewellery brand “Modas” in 2018. Aarti and Purvi quit their lucrative jobs after 15 years of service to start their business. Their passion for jewellery was the driving force behind starting Modas.

During COVID-19, Aarti and Purvi reached out to many people through Facebook Live. After the lockdown, when things returned to normal, they participated in different exhibitions in Mumbai, Pune and Nashik to popularise their brand.

A woman’s beauty is more visible in jewellery. But something new and different was needed. Therefore, breaking the trend of Western or imported jewellery, Modas was started. Modas is famous for making attractive jewellery using other bases (Clay, Bamboo, MDF, Fabric, Marble). The confluence of culture and modernity can be seen in Modas’ jewellery.