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Know Your Ingredients: Oats and Moong

Bhavya Pande

Oats are a whole grain cereal, rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and thus makes it to the list of heart friendly health food. Here’s a recipe which uses green moong sprouts along with oats to provide double the health benefits. Do try and enjoy!

Oats and Green Moong Sprouts Tikki Recipe

Preparation Time: 30 minutes


2 cups green moong sprouts

¼ cup of water

½ cup spring onion greens, finely chopped

1 tsp garlic, finely chopped

1 cup instant oats

1-inch ginger, chopped

1 green chilli or as per taste

½ tsp coriander powder

½ tsp garam masala

Few fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

Chat masala

Salt to taste

Olive oil to shallow fry the tikkis

Makes around:12 medium sized tikkis


  1. Keep all the ingredients ready.
  2. Parboil the sprouted green moong dal in a pressure cooker using ¼ cup of water and a pinch of salt. Turn off the gas after two whistles.
  3. Save a handful of parboiled sprouts and grind the remaining sprouts with ginger and green chillies in a mixer to make a smooth paste.
  4. Mix the sprouts paste with chopped spring onion greens, garlic, mint, oats, coriander powder, garam masala and salt to form a dough.
  5. Make small-medium sized tikkis from the dough.
  6. Heat a non-stick tawa on a medium flame. Brush it with little olive oil and cook the tikkis on it until they turn golden brown on both the sides.
  7. Sprinkle it with chat masala and serve it hot with green chutney or any sauce of your choice.

Eat Healthy. Feel Healthy. Stay Healthy!