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India declared polio free; TMC in action

Dr. Suhas Kulkarni
Great achievement, friends!!
As you all know WHO has divided the world into 6 regions and certification of polio free status is given after completion of 3 years of zero polio cases in that region.
As of now, the *Americas*, *Europe*, *Western Pacific* and *South East Asia*(of which India is a part) were polio free. On 25th August 2020, the *Africas* were added to this list.
The only region remaining now is the *Eastern Mediterranean*,  (Afghanistan and Pakistan being countries of this region that have not yet interrupted transmission of the virus).
Friends, let us not forget a couple of facts:
1. The above mentioned countries are our immediate neighbors and cases can easily infiltrate into our nation.
2. The present covid situation has caused a considerable setback to the immunization activities everywhere, exposing vulnerable kids to attack by the polio virus.
The much delayed sub NID round is now slated fir 20th September. TMC Health Machinery is working overtime to thrash out a strategy to try and immunise all target kids *with all mandatory covid precaution protocols in place*
It is our duty to ensure that the program is a success!! We owe it to our children!!