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Health & Wellness

Have you tried the Tabata HIIT workout?

If you’re new to the HIIT (high-intensity interval training) format, picking a single cardio-focused machine or exercise is an excellent way to ease in. The treadmill is often the least intimidating for beginners. After a warm-up, sprint as fast as you can for 10 seconds, then walk or rest for 50 seconds. Repeat this six times. That’s it. You’re on your way to mastering HIIT. As you get comfortable, try shortening the rests to 20 seconds and then even 10.

An even more effective HIIT workout includes exercises that last longer than rest times. One standard format for this is Tabata, which often combines multiple movements over several rounds. One Tabata round lasts four minutes and consists of eight sets containing 20 seconds of hard exercise and 10 seconds of recovery. Many trainers suggest doing four rounds but start with two if that is too difficult.

Here’s one version of Tabata-style HIIT that requires minimal equipment. Before trying the workout, do an easy run-through of each move to ensure you are comfortable. If any move proves difficult because of a mobility issue, swap it out for a different one. The goal is to get your heart rate up with these combinations of exercises, so choose those that work for your body. As time goes by, swap in new exercises for variety.

Round 1 (4 minutes)

  • 2 sets of high knees (Perform each for 20 seconds, with a 10-second break. Do them back-to-back or alternate with the other exercises.)
  • 2 sets of plank punches
  • 2 sets of jumping jacks
  • 2 sets of side skaters
  • Rest for one minute.

Round 2 (4 minutes)

  • 2 sets of jump rope
  • 2 sets of high/low boat
  • 2 sets of line jumps
  • 2 sets of push-ups
  • Rest for one minute

Round 3 (4 minutes)

  • 2 sets of burpees
  • 2 sets of Russian twists
  • 2 sets of squats
  • 2 sets of lunges
  • Rest for one minute

Round 4 (4 minutes)

  • 2 sets of mountain climbers
  • 2 sets of push-ups
  • 2 sets of split squats
  • 2 sets of box jumps