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Gold Jewellery

Jewellery Trend Analysis | Gold Jewellery | Thane News

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Jewellery Trends

Curious about how trends in gold jewellery are evolving?

Recently, KYT conducted a survey open to people of all ages to find out. Here are some intriguing insights from our study that shed light on the latest trends in accessorising with Gold Jwellery!

The data depicted in the graphs highlights a noticeable trend:

while gold remains a popular choice among women, particularly for special occasions, imitation jewellery is rapidly gaining traction. The increasing preference for artificial jewellery could be attributed to its affordability and contemporary designs, appealing to women seeking both style and value in their accessories.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following do you use on a daily/regular basis?. Number of responses: 51 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following do you use on a special occasions? . Number of responses: 51 responses.

When asked Why women save gold jewellery for special occasions and generally prefer imitation jewellery? 76.5 % of women agreed that wearing gold jewellery called for extra cautiousness because of its risk of getting lost or stolen.

 A huge shift in the younger generation’s preferences from Gold Jewellery  to  Rose gold Jewellery

Studying the age gap alongside jewellery design preferences, the pie charts prove the huge shift in the younger generation’s preferences of minimalist designs made in Rose gold rather than chunky pieces made in yellow gold. Only 13.7% of the individuals associate rose gold with the older generation.

Rose gold hence seems to be a trend which is starting to gain popularity.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following styles of jewelry do you associate with the younger generation's gold preferences?. Number of responses: 51 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following styles of jewelry do you associate with the older generation's gold preferences? . Number of responses: 51 responses.

Social Media Impact on Buyers

Yet another interesting conclusion this survey drew is that all women agree that social media has had a medium to high impact on their styling preferences. This could be one of the reasons why imitation jewellery is styled more often by women.

Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1-10, how much do you think social media has affected the styling preferences of women?. Number of responses: 51 responses.

Gender-neutral fashion choices

Despite the common stereotype associating jewellery predominantly with women’s interests, the overlooked reality is that men also embrace adornments. A comparison of responses between genders reveals a nuanced perspective: while women frequently wear gold earrings, chains, necklaces and rings, men too adorn themselves with chains, pendants and rings. This observation highlights the evolving landscape of gender-neutral fashion choices and challenges traditional notions of jewellery as solely feminine.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following gold accessories do you use on a daily/regular basis?. Number of responses: 51 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Which of the following gold jewelry do you use on a daily/regular basis? . Number of responses: 12 responses.

Emotional significance of Gold Jewellery for Many Individuals

Both females and males share a common belief regarding the allure of gold, attributing its popularity to the emotional significance it holds for many individuals. This collective perspective underscores the multifaceted appeal of gold, which transcends mere material value to encompass deeply ingrained emotional connections and societal perceptions of prestige.