Why Acupressure and Acupuncture Works So Incredibly Well !!!
Most people know that Acupressure & Acupuncture relieves pain, reduces inflammation and restores balance.
There are two main ways of explaining how acupuncture works 1) Increased blood flow, and 2) Stimulation of the nervous system. One of the reasons why acupuncture works is that it improves the flow of oxygen, nutrients and blood through specific networks of blood vessels to nourish every cell of our body.
When there’s a problem with blood flow to any particular area of the body that area can’t function properly.As Acupuncture causes your blood vessels to dilate and increases blood flow, it relieves pain, improves organ function and prevents aging. Another reason why acupuncture works so well is that it stimulates the nervous system, by activating sensory nerves, and proprioceptor fibers that travel from the skin to the spine and into the brain.
Acupuncture works by treating the five main factors that influence your health:
1) Flow of oxygen of your body. 2) Flow of blood in your body. 3) Health of your blood vessels. 4) Health of your organs. 5) Health of your nervous system.
Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself! Your body does the majority of healing but sometimes it needs help. Acupuncture does wonders in focusing the direction of the blood flow to a certain area in order to speed up the healing. After all, the body won’t heal without proper blood flow.
This is significant because everything the body needs to heal is in the blood, including oxygen, nutrients we absorb from food, immune substances, hormones, painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Restoring proper blood flow is vital to promoting and maintaining health. Blood flow decreases as we age and can be impacted by trauma, injuries and certain diseases. Acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow and vasodilation in several regions of the body.Acupuncture stimulates the body’s built-in healing mechanisms.
When the acupuncture needle penetrates the skin, the body sees it as a form of an injury (micro trauma). The body responds by stimulating blood flow to the area of micro trauma. This allows the body to spontaneously heal injuries to the tissue through nervous, immune and endocrine system activation.
As the body heals the micro traumas induced by acupuncture, it also heals any surrounding tissue damage left over from old injuries.
Acupuncture releases natural painkillers. Inserting a needle sends a signal through the nervous system to the brain, where chemicals such as endorphins, norepinephrine and encephalin are released. Some of these substances are 10-200 times more potent than morphine! Acupuncture relaxes shortened muscles. This releases pressure on joint structures and nerves, and promotes blood flow.Acupuncture reduces both the intensity and perception of chronic pain.
Stress reduction is perhaps the most important systemic effect of acupuncture. Recent research suggests that acupuncture stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone and signaling substance that regulates the parasympathetic nervous system.
Also to treat several conditions including shoulder, neck pain, menstrual disorders, headaches, fatigue, back pain, anxiety, allergies, pains, aches, diabetes, thyroid, digestion, immunity disorder, paralysis, Parkinson’s, weight loss, and many more health issues.
Our Patient’s comments& reviews are available in our google page, few mentioning here:
Mahak- My mother (Anjana) was suffering from diabetes and other problems that come along with it, but within two months using sujok treatments she’s halfway healed and doing much better mentally and physically. She was in great distress mentally but has been feeling alright thanks to the seeds and mudra therapies. It all works so great for everyone and everyone should put faith and trust in this natural healing.
Theresa- It’s been more than a month I am visiting Ishwari, she is an amazing person who tries to understand your problem and the root cause behind it. Based on this analysis the treatment is proposed. Also, if there is any issue at any point of time she isthere to provide guidance. Anyone looking out for acupuncture or sujok treatment, she is the go to person! Highly recommend her!!
Aruna- From last 22 years I had neck, shoulder, lower back, and knee pain. I also had digestion and diabetes issues. I have visited number of doctors and physiotherapists. But I got no results. After visiting Ishwari in December 2021, all my body pain disappeared within three months and now I’m back to my daily routine under her guidance. Thanks to Medical Therapist Ishwari.
Dipanwita – I have been going for the Sujok therapy for multiple health problems (mainly for back pain). I found the treatment very effective. The best part is there is no side effect. The therapist is knowledgeable and patiently listens to the problems. She is friendly and caring. She gives ample time and attention to understand the problem before providing the solution.
Sachin – I have been through a session for stress related issues. It has immensely helped me sort my issue. The therapist’s approach to tackle the issue was professional. Her remedies were easy and effective.
At IAM Centre, we provide the best treatment to cure each and every patient for any type of body pain, joint pain, illness, diet guidance, easy daily exercise guidance.
Ishwari Ramtekkar- Architect &Medical Therapist
Address: IAM Sujok Therapy Centre, 1601, Solus, Hirnandani Estate, Thane | Cell : +91-9920531445
Email: ishat14@gmail.com&iamenterprises14@gmail.com | Website: http://iamishwari.com
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/ishwari.ramtekkar | Insta Link: https://www.instagram.com/ishwariramtekkar