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Town News

How can Thane become Indore?

Lata Ghanshamnani

Doctor by choice and an environment conscious citizen by passion is the way I introduce myself when questioned for starting NGO, RNisarg Foundation.

There is a strong connection of human health and the health of our environment.

Today due to Covid-19 pandemic we have realised the importance of health and a healthy lifestyle. Few of us have also realised the improvement seen due to lesser human interaction during the lockdown times, leading to the signs of nature healing itself.

So, as a responsible citizen of this planet we all need to work with total sincerity and commitment in contributing towards building back better.

This year Swachh Survekshan rankings of Thane city has improved, which definitely makes us proud. But there are still plenty of areas where we have to work to make our city the best.
Today we need each citizen to treat their city as their extended homes.

One never litters or spits in their home and the same should be followed religiously in the city.
Need of the hour is to participate in earnest and not find excuses in shrugging our duties towards our city.
Waste segregation at source of generation is a fundamental duty of all citizens. During pandemic times mismanagement of waste can lead to spread of disease.

In the capacity of an environment conscious person I will appeal to all citizens, government officials, recyclers, rag pickers and NGO’s to set goals to make thane city, a waste –wise city in the near future.

Using the tools of education, awareness, technology and communication we must develop sustainable waste management systems.

Decentralised wet waste management, ward wise dry waste collection centres, multiple recycling setups have to be constructed.

Citizens at their level should take steps to reduce the waste creation.
Lesser the waste created lesser will be the management resources needed.
This pandemic has resulted in adding more waste to the existing daily waste generated by the city.

This COVID-19 waste created are of 2 types: Hospital waste and COVID-19 related waste created by non-healthcare places.

Use of reusable cloth masks, safe disposal of used PPE & setting up city wide collection centres for this waste needs to be done on a war footing to prevent pilferage & spread of disease.
A city is made by its citizens and making our city best is in our hands.
Today we have the opportunity to reflect on this truth and learn lessons from past to create a city we are proud of.

#MeThanekar #MeProudThanekar