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Town News

50 guests ceiling unviable!

Akshay Nayak

Reeling with the effects of the pandemic, it was just recently that India’s GDP contracted by a staggering 23.9 per cent in H1 FY20-21. Having forced the Centre to halt economic activities during the almost 3-month long nationwide lockdown followed by state-wide lockdowns continuing till date, the pandemic has left several businesses from all sectors bewildered of which a major sufferer is the events industry. The informal yet large sector that has been limping from March; its recovery doesn’t look any time soon.

Terming the situation for the sector beyond control, Mahesh B Chapekar, owner, Shehnai Hall, Thane, voices, “Events business was already seeing a lull in demand last year, adding to which the coronavirus crisis has further left us besieged with no inward cash flow but only outgoing ones in terms of taxes, rents, employees’ salaries, etc. The situation is so horrific that day in day out, we see one or the other banquet hall up for sale or lease.”

Though the Centre has relaxed its previous decision of allowing only 50 people at social event gatherings to up to 100 people now, industry experts believe that the same has still not been implemented in Maharashtra, hence further hurting the business dynamics, especially in the catering segment alone. “It needs to be looked at by the state government, as the basic survival of the events and catering industry in the city is at stake,” opines Mr Chapekar.

Equipped with 10 banquet halls, Tip Top Plaza Thane is a known destination for weddings and corporate events in the city. Jaideep Shah, director, Tip Top, argues that with such a sizeable inventory but only a limited flow of guests allowed, the business has indeed nosedived.

In a brief chat with Sujit Nayyar and Ishan Nayyar of Sahay Caterers, Thane, Mr Sujit laments that this year they just made one per cent of business as compared with that of last year. “The dry spell during the lockdown period followed by allowing only a measured number of people to gather at social events, have together pushed the catering segment to hit rock-bottom revenues,” echoes Mr Sujit.

With the ongoing festive season in swing, industry experts hope that the state government will take stock of the situation they are faced with; and will allow further relaxation on the scale of gathering at social events.