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Town News

Wavikar Eye Institute’s CSR Initiatives

Smt. Indirabai Wavikar Charitable Trust provides comprehensive eye care to patients from underprivileged sectors. The Trust in association with 50 NGOs has conducted more than 2500 camps, screened over 50,000 patients in rural as well as urban areas to date, successfully conducted 5500 cataract surgeries, in addition to 3500 free of cost cataract surgeries, and distributed 7500 glasses to patients from lower sections of the society at its charitable eye hospital in Thane.



The multi-fold facilities provided by the Trust are, charitable eye hospital in Thane, treatments at subsidized rates, screening and treatment of patients through outreach programmes (camps), awareness programmes, screening for early diagnosis and referral of eye disorders like diabetic retinopathy,  glaucoma, corneal blindness, pediatric cataract, screening of school children for early diagnosis of eye  disorders, ocular prosthesis (artificial eye services), eye donation awareness programmes and camps,  enucleation services, and its optometry college which nurtures the students by providing in-house experience.