Fever : A Child’s friend!
Did you know that fever can be viewed as your child’s friend? Dr Sandeep Kelkar, a renowned paediatrician from Thane who is associated with MRR Children’s hospital, the city’s one of the best multi-speciality exclusive children’s Hospital, reveals the secret:
Why is fever beneficial for children?
Fever as a symptom is a signal that there is some tissue injury somewhere in the body & the immune system is active, and is probably working to heal the injury or to fight the invading micro organism. It gives you a hint to act on underlying pathogen entering the body at an initial stage to avoid some big issues later.Imaginethis, if fever wouldn’t have been there then even if there was a tissue injury nobody would have noticed it leading to even more damage to the body!!
What temperature range is considered normal for a child with a fever?
A normal body temperature for children can range from 97°F to 99°F (36.1°C to 37.2°C). A fever is generally considered to be present when a child’s body temperature (measured by rectal thermometer) is 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. If measured in the armpit, any temperature above 99 to 99.5 is considered a fever.
Charting the feverin a child with thermometer is a must. This data helps doctors make decisions and take appropriate timely actions. 100-102 F is a low to moderate grade fever; above 102.2 is considered a high fever, requiring urgent medical attention.Temparature above 104 F is hyperpyrexia, which is supposed to be a medical emergency.
How should parents manage a child’s fever at home?
Parents should see how the child is active & playful during an episode of fever. Medicines can be given only when child is irritable & uncomfortable (generally when fever peak is reached) Parents can give acetaminophen (paracetamol) only if there is a documented fever & when the fever peak is reached. Itmay be repeated every 4-6 hrly (not more than 5 times a day) Aspirin should never be used to control fever as it may affect the child’s liver. Child should take plenty of fluids, stay hydrated, and be in a well ventilated room. If the child is comfortable, then one can sponge him with lukewarm tap water for quick recovery, but never to use ice to bring down the temperature.
When should parents seek medical attention for a child with a fever?
If the child is under three months old, any fever they should immediately consult the doctor. Parents should consult a pediatrician if the child is lethargic, sleepy, inactive, vomiting continuously, having difficulty in breathing, or getting rashes on the body. Ingeneral, parents should definitely consult a doctor if the fever does not settle within 2-3 days and/or child is not active during interfebrile period (between two fever episodes).
Where : MRR Children’s hospital, Shastri Nagar, Thane West.
Call : 022 6910 2000
Website : www.mrrch.com